I was asked by Sister Yonasda Hill (National Convener) and Marcy DePina of the International coalition #HipHopForFlint to be the (volunteer) Lead Organizer of "Hip Hop for Flint/Boston". I accepted and asked brother Jonathan Gramling to be a Co-Lead Organizer (he graciously accepted) Over 40 cities across the United States and internationally will be throwing simultaneous fundraising/awareness raising/ community building events on Saturday, MARCH 19th (save the date, more info to come) ALL PROCEEDS, repeat ALL, will go directly to the people of Flint, Michigan with the ultimate goal being purchasing and hand delivering water filtration systems. More info (event page, etc) to come. We will be looking to secure an all ages venue, DJ's, sound systems, photographers, videographers, sponsors, speakers, volunteers, writers, promoters, etc to donate their time and talents to the cause. We CANNOT and should not wait on others, to do what we know we ourselves can and should do. Stay tuned, spread the word and like I said save the date. Event page here >> https://www.facebook.com/events/1673307129593929/ << Bless up! -Eroc