Ernesto “Eroc” Arroyo-Montano
Duration 10-20 minutes
What you will need:
-Access to a shower
-A candle
-Lighter or matches
-(If possible, at least one of the following) Sage, Palo Santo, Copal or Incense
-(Optional) a music player/portable speaker
Many people find it difficult to create a moment for themselves during their busy day. While we strongly suggest finding these moments in our schedules, I know from first hand experience that this may be easier said than done. As a parent of three young children, who works and is an active member of my community, I often feel overwhelmed with responsibility. I have learned to be strategic about self-care. One of the ways I prioritize self-care in my life is by incorporating this sacred ritual into my showers (and on rare occasion, baths)
Next time you shower alone (for parents of minors this may be a luxury), I invite you to put this Sacred Shower Meditation & Prayer into your practice. Read over the steps before you start.
Step 1. If you haven’t already close the bathroom door and acknowledge your surroundings. Take a moment to reflect on your current access to running water. Water is sacred, water is life. Light the candle and focus on the flame for a moment.
Step 2. (Optional) Play music, preferably music without lyrics, music that helps you to personally zone out and relax. This could be meditation or reiki music, classical, Hip Hop instrumentals, or something else.
Step 3. Read this Prayer aloud (Feel free to replace with a favorite prayer or mantra)
“Praying for those whose actions have hurt me, betrayed me, and pained me and for those whom my actions have hurt, betrayed and pained.
Releasing the thoughts of ill will and judgment.
Creating a space for self-love and forgiveness of self and others.
Breathing in the pain and releasing the light.
Breathing in the light and releasing the pain.
Succeeding at loving the person I am- when I just am, by myself or with others.
Proving myself to no one but myself.
Being myself for myself and in turn walking in this world with no fear.
Challenging my thoughts when inevitable fears permeate.
Recognizing my human imperfections, gently, without beating myself up in the process.
Manifesting a new way of being.
Guided by love and light of the ancestors, asking that I may continue to see the blessings.
Step 4. Burn sacred medicine such as sage, Palo Santo, copal or a favorite incense. Choose one or a few of these to burn.
As you are burning them, be intentional. Acknowledge and honor your ancestors. Take deep breaths and affirm the survivor spirit surrounding your existence. Remind yourself of the resilience in your DNA.
Repeat this mantra: “I am the manifestation of my Ancestors Prayers” (3x)
*If you do not burn Sage, Palo Santo or Copal, please consider researching and including them in your Sacred healing practice.
Step 5. Turn on the shower to desired temperature and hop in.
Step 6. While showering be aware of your breaths, listen to your body and stretch as feels right. Feel the water hitting your body and focus on the actions you are taking to clean yourself. Close your eyes and affirm your being. Focus on your breaths. Be gentle with yourself. Begin considering what and for whom you are grateful for. This is a good time to check in with yourself, take inventory, if someone comes up, include them in your prayers in that moment. If certain people keep coming up for you, I invite you to express your gratitude to them directly later.
Step 7. When you are done with your shower, be intentional about blowing out the candle, this is how you will be closing ceremony. Thank the ancestors and affirm your existence. We are grateful that you exist.
Most importantly, this is simply a template for you, I hope you find it useful, the goal is to get you to use that shower time, as sacred time. You can do whatever steps in this process feel right. Honor, develop and listen to that divine intuition and remix this ritual however your body, heart and soul guide you to. This is not a dogmatic meditation. It is an invitation and a reminder of what deep down inside you already know, that taking the time to take care for yourself, and be in the moment, is the best way to honor those you love. I wish you good skill in nurturing your practice. Bless.
Wash, Rinse, and Repeat!
Ernesto "Eroc" Arroyo-Montano
I am an educator, artist, activist and a proud father of three. I am currently the Director of Cultural Organizing at United For a Fair Economy.